Wokingham Rocks

Peacock Meadow

Parks & Walks

Peacock Meadows, Jennet's Park, Bracknell

Peacock Meadows is a large open space comprising 36 hectares of grassland, meadows and woodland.  In the summer months, you will find a wide range of beautiful wildflowers, such as Meadow Buttercups, Oxeye Daisies, Devil’s Bit Scabious and Birds-foot Trefoil.

There is a good footpath and cycle path links to all parts of Jennett’s Park and beyond.  It is also part of the Bracknell Forest Ramblers Route if you'd like to extend your walk.

Summer activity: discover the art of brass rubbing with the kids by finding the 3 wooden pillars at different locations with brass engravings of plants and animals to look out for - all you need is a wax crayon and a piece of paper! 

Try and spot a Skylark, which can sometimes be seen and heard in song flight, rising vertically with a continuous high pitched trilling! 

There is a free car park on Swift Fields at Jennett’s Park, Bracknell, nearest postcode RG12 8DS.

Photos by Julia Morrison as part of a collaboration for Wokingham Rocks Wednesday Walk series. 

Opening Hours


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