Wokingham Rocks

CSO Summer Concert


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Booking for Crowthorne Symphony Orchestra's next concert is open now, with an Earlybird discount of £2 on tickets bought before May 19th. The July concert features a programme of British music including the masterful Elgar Symphony No.1, Dame Ethel Smyth’s overture to her opera The Wreckers based on tales of ships lured onto remote Cornish coasts to plunder their cargoes, and Frank Bridge's 1908 Dance Rhapsody with its contrasting dance modes. CSO’s first two concerts at All Saints enjoyed full house audiences and this programme is bound to appeal. For more information about the orchestra please visit our website.

Malvern artist Antony Bridge’s atmospheric painting “Malvern Hills Pink Sky” is the eye-catching poster, and graphic designer and CSO viola Hilly Beavan tells the story: “I was looking for an artistic Malvern image for Elgar when I discovered Antony Bridge’s website, and was captivated by his unique and modern take on the iconic landscape. I wrote to him (with fingers very firmly crossed!) for permission to use the painting, and he not only agreed but told me he knew Elgar’s work well as he’d been National Trust artist in residence at Croome for 4-5 years and had had a solo show at the Elgar birthplace. 

He’s currently painting the Elgar route by bike. Seemed like synchronicity!” Antony Bridge’s work is exhibited and collected worldwide, and you can see more paintings at www.antonybridge.co.uk.

To book your tickets for this event happening on Saturday 6th July click here. 

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