Earley St Peter's Church - Tots and Teddies Service
Earley St Peter's Church - Tots and Teddies Service
Wednesdays 10:15am - 11:30am (Term time only)
Our Tots and Teddies Group meets on Wednesday mornings in term time. We start with a very short, very informal (and often quite noisy!) service in church at 10.15am. We then go over to the hall for crafts (based on the Bible story or theme), toys, snacks, and drinks.
All families with young children are very welcome: we have Mums, Dads, and Grandparents who come along. It’s an ideal way to meet others with young children, to have a chat, and let your child play. We usually get to the hall by 10.40am so join us in there if you prefer. We finish at 11.30am.
For dates and other information, do look at our Facebook Group. Suitable for 0-5 years. Contact provider for costs.
Website: Earley St Peter's Church
Telephone: 0118 966 8575
E-mail: admin@earleystpeters.org.uk
Earley St Peter’s Church Hall, Church Road, RG6 1EY