Wokingham Rocks

Santa's Story Grotto!


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Santa's Story Grotto!

Friday 8th December - Alder Grove CofE Primary School, Shinfield, RG2 9RA.

Come and join in the fun - join Santa in his grotto for a festive story. We will also have a wonderful showcase of festive music, mulled wine, mince pies, and stalls, PLUS the chance to meet Santa Claus himself! 

Tickets: £5 per child. Includes: 

  • Group story time with Santa
  • Plus a gift for each child
  • Estimated duration: 15 minutes

Please see HERE to make your booking,  be quick - as slots are selling out fast! 

Please ensure you arrive at the grotto 5 minutes before your booked time slot. 

We look forward to welcoming you to Alder Grove CofE Primary School!

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